The Keys have blessed our family in so many ways, and they will be greatly missed. Brooke was so lucky to have Jennifer as a teacher, she gave her not just a greater love for learning, but also a better understanding of the Lord and through this Brooke accepted Jesus into her heart.
I am so grateful to have made such a great friend. I will miss all the nights of scrapbooking together, all the shopping trips, all the long talks over coffee, all the parent-teacher talks about Brooke, all the spiritual guidance, working with her, and just having a wonderful friend to talk with.
Billy and Thomas hit it off fast, and spent alot of time together. Thomas is a great kid and has been a great example for Billy. When I asked Thomas what he thought about moving to Africa his answer was "I can't wait to go tell people about Jesus". WOW!
Brooke is going to miss Vivian. Vivian has been like a big sister to Brooke. Even though she is several years older than Brooke she would play dolls with Brooke and hang out with her.
We will miss you friends. Please keep them in your prayers as they go out in the field.